Reviews Traugel

  • Radek
    Traugel helped a lot after a few uses. Apply to the shoulder area. I feel warmth and at the same time a cooling effect. After applying, I feel light in my neck, and the occasional headaches no longer torment me. Overall very satisfied.
  • Miroslav
    Traugel was prescribed by my rheumatologist. At first, I didn't believe in gels, ointments, etc. v. But this drug really works. After the first application, my knees felt light, the pain disappeared. And he's really treating, and not just relieving, the symptoms. 5+.
  • František
    I am a professional athlete. I have been involved in athletics for more than 15 years. Naturally, this affects the joints. Permanent sprains, trauma, etc. v. affect my health. The doctor advised me to use Traugel. I apply it every morning and evening on my knees, back, shoulders. There have been positive effects. Thank you!
  • Anna
    I really like the natural composition of the joint gel Traugel. In life there is only chemistry, and this remedy is completely natural. Absorbs quickly and starts working immediately. The discomfort passes within 15 minutes of application.
  • Lenka
    After an injury to my sacrum, I have frequent lower back pain. If I stand a little longer than usual, my back immediately starts to ache. A friend recommended Traugel. It's always in my first aid kit now. The main thing is only to buy the original. It is only sold on the official website.
Rating Traugel